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The Basics of Selling Foreign Rights
Presented by
Dr. Jan Yager
Foreign rights director, agent, publisher and author
30 slides – PowerPoint or PDF version $29.95 US
Please pay via PayPal to hannacroix@aol.com
This Power Point presentation offers an illustrated overview about the basics to selling foreign rights.
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(You may also purchase the companion book, FOREIGN RIGHTS AND WRONGS, through amazon.com. Retail list price for the e-book version is $24.95)
About your presenter
Jan Yager, Ph.D. has been selling foreign rights since her mid-twenties. Directly to publishers, or through her network of co-agents, she has sold foreign rights into 34 languages for her own titles as well as for other authors. She is the author of more than 45 books including Foreign Rights and Wrongs (Hannacroix Creek Books, 2018), How to Self-Publish Your Book (June, 2019, Square One Publishing), and When Friendship Hurts (Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2002), which she sold more than 32 times with translations in 29 languages and 2 in preparation.

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