Category Archives: Friendship

International New Friends, Old Friends Week: 7 Days of Friendship Celebrations

Children silhouettes holding letters with word FRIENDSHIPIn 1997, I founded National New Friends, Old Friends Week to celebrate the new friends in our life, but to still cherish our old friends. A few years later, I renamed it International New Friends, Old Friends Week to mark the way that friendship has become more global, especially since social media has made it easier, and more common, to have friends around the world.

International New Friends, Old Friends Week starts annually in May on the Sunday after Mother’s Day (in the U.S.). I purposely chose that time because, for so many, once their mothers have passed, especially if they are childless, friends become their family.

Continue reading International New Friends, Old Friends Week: 7 Days of Friendship Celebrations

How to Make Friends After Fifty

Jan Yager, Ph.D.
Author of “Friendshifts: The Power of Friendship and How It Shapes Our Lives” and “When Friendship Hurts”

Happy Middle Age Women at Dining Table

  1. Reject the notion that “it’s hard to make friends as you get older.” Yes, some may be more “set in your ways,” but some may also have more time for friendship now that kids are grown and independent, some may even be working less, or even retired.

  2. Let new friendships evolve naturally out of the activities you do so get involved in going to workshops, volunteering, join, or start, a book club, take up a new sport, travel on your own or on a sponsored trip with your spouse.
  3. Continue reading How to Make Friends After Fifty

Dr. Jan Yager’s Friendship Oath

People with their hands together. team work conceptFor this blog, I am reprinting the Friendship Oath I created that was initially published in my book about work relationships including friendships at work, Who’s That Sitting at my Desk? The oath evolved after I was asked a simple question about what should you expect in a friendship by an interviewer for the CBS morning show that we were taping. That question led me to create the Friendship Oath. We already have an oath for marriage that states what our expectations are for that key connection. Why not have one for friendship? Continue reading Dr. Jan Yager’s Friendship Oath